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before school's cross country event

assalamualaikum n salam maulidur rasul .
dear readers ,

how's u alls day ? i hope it's great  . i don't feel great today because of my leg . of course u know how , right ? actually it is because of the preparation for school's cross country event . last wednesday evening , i went to school to rehearse . there were sea of people n the scene is exciting ( according to me but not sure with others ) . for some people , they're just being there for no purpose . the weather is nice , but kinda hot n the distance for the cross country is almost 8 km i think . so , it must be tiring for some people n so am i . then , i bring a bottle of hundred plus with me just in case if i exhausted n as expected , i so exhausted until a teacher told me 'hey , r u sleepy or what ? u jog like a drunk person ' n i like -_-' but i just smile to her . doesn't she see i'm exhausted ? i not sleepy what -.- . n when i reach school i think i don't quite feel my foot . just a sad feeling >< . n until today , my leg is so hurt n i walk weirdly because of that -,-' . i hope my leg will get better because at this 3rd of march there will be the cross country event . i just sure i would feel bad on that day . just 'can't wait' for it ==' . k , gotta go now . assalamualaikum n have a great day !