
Habin here ! - feel free to navigate around-
 looking around

© Template by AtiqahJaidin
Image from TUMBLR | WHI
i'm being nowhere

only the original me , a normal person

unto you be peace and hello , 
how's ur day ? i hope its fine .. zzz , these days are quite tiring for me , maybe because it's fasting season ( actually everyday also tiring , lolz ) . i don't know what i'm trying to say here .. i'm actually being slightly slow these days .. and today i got scolded by my chemistry teacher .. i'm so sad about it but she scold me because of my own fault that is of course not doing the homework .. she told me that

'' being in science stream is quite difficult because you have to struggle for own success '' 

i understand that i've gone too far this time but i , myself don't even know why i'm being so LLLAAAZZZYYY .. i also worried if i will fail this August Exam ... so recently i've made maself an effort for coming soon exam ( even for the Math , Add Math , Biology and etcs ) and what on planet ?? .. lol , wait . someone just knock the door at the back of ma house at this night time and i feel so creepy ? i know it still early but why at night ? i'll go open the door ...................... and it was the fat kid .. she knocks the door  like she wants the door to cave in ? when i hear just now i was like ' what is that ? just who dares to knock like that ( and disturb me typing ma entry ) .. and doesn't she knows how to respect people's house and be patient for a sec while wait for me to open the door .. enough with so-half-tiring-day at school n now this kid ! bothers me !!?? .. gimme a break would ya ? just when i open the door i was like ' arrghh ! this face , she came here just for the sake of a drawing ? she just ask me to draw a pic of a girl ( like i can draw that and seriously , i can't  n don't know how to draw that even i know how to draw a portrait ) ???  i don't know why i trying hardly hating this kid .. lolllzzzzzzzzzzz , why am i typing this long mumbling thingy ?? by the way i'm about to end this not-so-long entry with some portraits that i have drawn ( i think i drawn them starting on early of this year ) .. and going to on9 my fb and ask.fm ~ so , enjoy these portraits ~

G-Dragon ( BigBang )

Hyuna ( 4Minute ) 
ignore the spelling in the drawing -,-'

Hongki ( FTIsland )
i know .. looks ugly right ? i think this is ma 1st portrait

Minzy ( 2NE1 )

Donghae ( SuperJunior )
i should've drawn using pencil =='

TOP ( BigBang )
i think this is ma 1st portrait too ( not sure -,- )

Nicole ( KARA )

ma fav singer ~(>//<)~

Junhyung ( B2ST )
this is the newest n u've saw it in ma previous entry ~

that's all .. upon u be peace and goodbye , goodnight ( to the Malaysians and who's having night on their place ) .. see u on other entry .. i think i got a new mood by typing this entry , lol XD ~
